IDing by net/release.

Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at
Sun Jun 3 14:03:35 EDT 2001

--- Alex Netherton <danetherton at> wrote:
> Thanks for saying this Ron;
> I have to agree with this thread; I see any person
> who uses anything from
> Nature as a "hunter", including birders. Hunting
> skills (which I lack to a
> degree, including patience) are a prerequisite. I
> view folks who collect for
> the furtherance of scientific inquiry (as is Ron) as
> responsible people. I

Thanks for saying this Alex.  Except for a few
personal attacks on Neil Jones and Paul Cherubini we
have come full course and apparently arrived at some
distinctions which can put the "Watcher-Collector"
controversy ro rest. Just remember we have extreme
intoloerance on "both sides". There should be no
sides. Just those who speak for the butterflies.

15 watched butterfly sp. this am and 9 odonate species
(4 of whom were collected) for a park collection)here
in hot and sunny FL.

Best to all.



Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates <rjpassociates at>
rjparcelles at
 "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
                       --William Shakespeare

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