Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at
Fri Jun 15 16:08:38 EDT 2001

--- Paul Cherubini <monarch at> wrote:
> Leroy wrote:
> > I have watched the rain forest destroyed.  And the
> best that 
> > some of you can do is oppose collecting.
> Leroy, you may be pleased to know that some of
> NABA's 
> leaders are involved in much more environmental
> activism than just opposing
> collecting. For example, Wanda Dameron, a leader in
> the big LA-NABA 
> chapter wrote the following to many NABA members
> yesturday encouraging 
> them to participate in a "voluntary rolling blackout
> on the first day of summer,
> June 21 that will roll across the planet". Details
> are below: 
> From: "Dameron, Wanda" <be496 at>
> JUNE 21, 2001 THURS EVE,
> 7-10 pm worldwide, all time zones -
> As an alternative to George W. Bush's energy
> policies
> and lack of emphasis on efficiency, conservation and
> alternative fuels, there will be a voluntary rolling
> blackout on the
> first day of summer, June 21 at 7 pm - 10 pm in any
> time zone
> (this will roll it across the planet).
> It's a simple protest and a symbolic act. Turn out
> your lights from 7
> pm-10 pm on June 21. Unplug whatever you can unplug
> in your
> house. Light a candle to the Sungoddess, kiss and
> tell or not, 
> take a stroll in the dark, invent ghost stories,
> anything that's not
> electronic - have fun in the dark.
> Read the 1999 book "Natural Capitalism" by Hawken
> and
> Lovins to learn that conservation/high efficiency
> technologies already ARE on-the-shelf.
> If implemented these revolutionary ideas would pay
> themselves off within five years, after which we'd
> be
> pumping far less greenhouse gas into the atmosphere
> and saving bucks to boot.
> Forward this email as widely as possible, to your
> government representatives and environmental
> contacts.
> Let them know we want global education,
> participation
> and funding in conservation, efficiency and
> alternative fuel efforts -- and an end to
> over-exploitation and misuse of the earth's
> resources.
> Anyone knows that the Cheney-Bush team is blowing
> smoke when they tell us that "... conservation can't
> help, it'll just be too expensive to implement
> those technologies..." While on the other hand,
> technology to develop and deploy weapons to blow
> incoming ICBMs out of the sky are easy to come by.
> Wanda Dameron
> Flutterby Press
> LA-NABA, LepSoc, ATL, Lorquin, Xerces
> 23424 Jonathan St., Los Angeles, Ca. 91304
> > 818-340-0365     be496 at

GO WANDA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 

Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates <rjpassociates at>
rjparcelles at
 "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
                       --William Shakespeare

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