Mississippi Rain and Pinto Beans - 6/10
Ron Gatrelle
gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Sat Jun 16 04:50:18 EDT 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Walker" <MWalker at gensym.com>
> I soon found a nice dirt road, and stopped to take a long walk. Lots of
> large Papilio made this particularly fun - with individuals of P.
> cresphontes, P. troilus, and P. palamedes all being extremely common. I
> also enjoyed Papilio glaucus - with both yellow and dark female forms
> present.
Many of the troilus you found should have been the normal form of the
nominate subspecies -ilioneus?
> the sides of the road and through the underbrush were many individuals of
> Neonympha areolata (Orange-ovaled Satyr).
Were any of these N. helicta? The Helicta Satyr is most numerous in mid to
northern Mississippi. I looked at my Mississippi specimens here and see
none from Harrison County. I have examined a number of Neonympha specimens
from Harrison County and seem to recall seeing N. helicta from there. All
the Mississippi material I have seen of both areolata and helicta were from
Ricky Patterson. I did find N. helicta along the coastal area of Alabama
back in the late 60's (Foley). While areolata is a species wetter area,
helicta is more a dry area species but is also found in some wetter areas
too. All Mississippi Neonympha should be checked very carefully for N.
mitchelli as well.
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