The Other, Politcally Correct Bug Release Industry that is 30 times bigger
Patrick Foley
patfoley at
Mon Jun 18 11:05:43 EDT 2001
Paul and other leps listers,
Paul Cherubini makes some good points with his recent listings on diseases and on "beneficial
introductions". I would sum them up (although his posts are interesting and not to be
neglected) in this way:
1) Nature has already been scrambled by human activities.
2) Monarchs seem to be doing ok so far.
3) Therefore a little more messing with them is justified as a practical matter.
4) Therefore it is unscientific to oppose nonlocal releases.
There are many arguments that could be made against these points (for example, most biological
control releases are made explicitly to correct a previous human blunder or accident), and I
have made some of them in the past posts Paul refers to. Instead I want to make just one point.
As a practical matter, I do not try to put an end to Monarch releases for some of the reasons
Paul mentions,
Our knowledge of parasite (broad sense) dynamics and evolution, and of phylogeography do not
justify these releases, they simply prevent us from constructing a risk analysis that we can
agree on objectively. More work is needed (the ecologist's mantra).
Out of here,
Patrick Foley
patfoley at
Paul Cherubini wrote:
> Mike Quinn posted the first part of the following to dplex-list a four years ago:
> Coulson, Jack R., compiler. Releases of Beneficial Organisms in the United States
> and Territories-1992. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous publication No.
> 1505, 529 pp.
> ."Well over 20 million individuals of at least 151 species of insect and mite parasities
> and predators, almost exclusively of foreign origin, were released against at least 79
> insect and mite pests, also predominantly introduced species, in the United States and
> its Territories in 1982. Also released that year were over 9 million individuals of 21
> species of exotic natural enemies of 18 species of introduced weeds. In addition 7
> species of pollinators and other beneficial organisms were released. These releases
> (from either field collections of cultures of foreign origin) or recolonizations (from
> previously established populations in the United States) were made in 45 States and
> the District of Columbia in 1982. Shipments of 94 biological control agents and
> pollinators were sent from U.S. facilities to foreign countries in 1982. Also listed in this
> report are the numerous people in more than 400 Federal, State, university, Territorial,
> private, and foreign facilities engaged in biological control and other importation,
> release, and related activities in 1982."...
> ______________________________________________________________
> By Doug Johnson, Extension Entomologist
> University of Kentucky College of Agriculture
> Predatory Mites Fly Parasites Parasitic Nematodes
> PM Predatory Mites -- various species
> PMC -- Amblyseius californicus
> PMU -- Amblyseius cucumeris (for thrips)
> PMI -- Amblyseius iroquois (for thrips)
> PMO -- Metaseiulus occidentalis
> PML -- Phytoseiulus longipes
> PMM -- Amblyseins mckenziei (= barker)
> PMP -- Phytoseiulus persimilis
> PMA -- Pyemotes tritici (for ants)
> FP Fly Parasites -- various species
> FPR -- Carcinops sp.
> FPM -- Muscidifurax raptor
> FPL -- Muscidifurax raptorellus
> FPZ -- Muscidifurax zaraptor
> FPN -- Nasonia vitripennis
> FPP -- Pachycrepoideus vindemiae
> FPC -- Spalangia cameroni
> FPS -- Spalangia endius
> FPA -- Spalangia nigroaenea
> FPG -- Sphegigaster sp.
> PN Parasitic Nematodes -- various species
> PNB -- Neoaplectana bibionis
> PNG -- Neoaplectana glaseri
> PNH -- Heterorhabditis heliothidis
> PNC -- Steinernema feltiae (=Neoaplectana carpocapsae)
> Other Organisms
> CGP -- Agrobacterium radiobacter -- Crown Gall Preventive
> AE -- Anagrus epos -- Leafhopper Parasite
> AC -- Anisopteromalus calandrae -- Stored Product Weevil Parasite
> APA -- Aphidoletes aphidimyza -- Aphid Predator
> RSM -- Aphytis melinus -- Red Scale Parasite
> BP -- Bacillus popilliae -- Milky Spore
> MB -- Bacillus thuringiensis israeliensis -- Mosquito Bacterium*
> CPB -- Bacillus thuringiensis var. San Diego -- Colorado Potato Beetle*
> BH -- Bracon hebetor -- Stored Product Moth Larva Parasite
> CN -- Chilocorus nigritus -- Scale Predator
> GL -- Chrysoperia carnea or C. rufilabrus -- Green Lacewings
> RSB -- Comperiella bifasciata -- Red Scale Parasite
> GMC -- Cotesia melanoscela -- Gypsy Moth Parasite
> MD -- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri -- Mealybug Destroyer
> DB -- Dacnusa sibirica -- Leafminer Parasite
> DP -- Delphastus sp. -- Whitefly Egg Predator
> DI -- Diglyphus isaea -- Leafminer Parasite
> CPP -- Edovum puttleri -- Colorado Potato Beetle Parasite
> GWP- Encarsia formosa -- Greenhouse Whitefly Parasite
> MF -- Gambusia affinis -- Mosquito Fish
> AM -- Aphidus matricariae -- Aphid parasite
> MBP -- Orius tristicolor -- Thrips predator
> GMI -- Glyptapanteles indiensis -- Gypsy moth parasite
> GMG -- Glyptapanteles flavicoxis -- Gypsy Moth Parasite
> NOW -- Goniozus legneri -- Navel Orangeworm Parasite
> CL -- Hippodamia convergens -- Convergent Ladybird Beetle
> CMD -- Leptomastix dactylopii -- Citrus Mealybug Parasite
> LT -- Lysiphlebus testaceipes -- Greenbug Parasite
> BSP -- Metaphycus helvolus -- Black Scale Parasite
> GMM -- Meteorus pulchricornis -- Gypsy Moth Parasite
> PBP -- Microchelonus blackburni -- Pink Bollworm Parasite
> PM -- Podisus maculiventris -- Mexican Bean Beetle Predator
> MCP -- Mormon Cricket Pathogen
> GHP -- Nosema locustae -- Grasshopper Pathogen
> NPV- Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus
> BBP -- Pediobius foveolatus -- Bean Beetle Parasite
> NOP -- Pentalitomastix sp. -- Navel Orangeworm Parasite
> DS -- Rumina decollata -- Decollate Snail
> PMT -- Tenodera aridifolia sinensis -- Praying Mantid
> EW -- Trichogramma sp. (minutum, p latneri, pretiosum) -- Egg Wasps
> XF -- Xylocoris flavipes -- Stored Product General Predator
> *The larval bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis is available through many retail
> and wholesale concerns under various brand names.
> Retail and Wholesale Suppliers
> Ag Bio Chem Inc., 3 Fleetwood Court, Orinda, CA 94563, (415)254-0789
> Other Organisms: CGP
> Applied Bionomics, 11074 W. Saanich Rd., Sidney, B.C., Canada, V8L 3X9, (604)
> 656-2132 Predatory Mites: PMM, PMO, PMP,PMU
> Fly Parasites: FP
> Other Organisms: APA, BSP, CMD, GWP, MD, RSM, MMU, DP, CL
> Associates Insectary, P.O. Box 969, Santa Paula, CA 93060, (805) 933-1301
> Other Organisms: DS, MD, RSM
> Beneficial Insectary, 245 Oak Run Road, Oak Run, CA 96069, (916) 472-3715
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PML, PMO, PMP
> Fly Parasites: FP, FPM, FPN, FPS, FPZ
> Other Organisms: EW, GHP, GL
> Beneficial Insects Ltd., P.O. Box 154, Banta, CA 95304, (209)835-6158
> Fly Parasites: FP Other Organisms: EW, GL
> Better Yield Insects, P.O. Box 3451, Tecumseh Station, Windsor,
> Ontario, Canada, N8N
> 3C4, (519)735-0002
> Predatory Mites: PMM, PMP
> Other Organisms: APA, GWP
> Bio Ag Services, 4218 W. Muscat, Fresno, CA 93706, (209)268-2835
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PMP
> Fly Parasites: FPG, FPG, FPS, FPZ
> Other Organisms: AE
> Bio-Con Systems, P.O. Box 30186, San Bernardino, CA 92413, (619) 242-3800
> Other Organisms: DS
> Biofac, P.O. Box 87, Mathis, TX 78368, (512)547-3259
> Predatory Mites: PMA
> Fly Parasites: FPM, FPS
> Other Organisms: AC, BH, EW, GL, XF
> Bio Insect Control, 710 S. Columbia, Plainview, TX 79072, (806)293-5861
> Other Organisms: EW, CL
> BioLogic, P.O. Box 177, 18056 Springtown Rd., Willow Hill, PA 17271-0177,
> 717)349-2789 Parasitic Nematodes: PN, PNC
> Biosys, 1057 E. Meadow Circle, Palo Alto, CA 94303, (415) 856-9500
> Parasitic Nematodes: PNC
> Biotactics Inc., 22412 Pico Street, Grand Terrace, CA 92324, (714)783-2148
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PML, PMO, PMP
> Bo-Biotrol, Inc., 54 S. Bear Creek Drive, Merced, CA 95340, (209)722-4985
> Fly Parasites: FP Other Organisms: EW, GL, NOW, NOP
> B.R. Supply Company, P.O. Box 845, Exeter, CA 93221
> Parasitic Nematodes: PN, PNB, PNC, PNG
> Burgess Seed & Plant Co., Department 91, 905 Four Seasons Road, Bloomington, IL
> 61701, (309)663-9551 Other Organisms: BP
> Burpee Seed Company, 300 Park Avenue, Warminster, PA 18974, (215) 674-4900
> Parasitic Nematodes: PN Other Organisms: CL, EW, GL, PMT
> Fairfax Biological, Laboratories, Inc., Clinton Corners, NY 12514, (914) 266-3705
> Other Organisms: BP
> Farmers Seed & Nursery, Department 71, 1706 Morrissey Drive,
> Bloomington, IL 61704,
> (309)663-9551 Other Organisms: BP, GHP, MB
> Henry Field Seed & Nursery Co., 415 N. Burnett St., Shenandoah, IA 51602,
> (605)665-4491 Fly Parasites: FP
> Other Organisms: CL, EW, GHP, GL
> Foothill Ag Research, Inc., 510 W. Chase Drive, Corona, CA 91720, (714)371-0120
> Predatory Mites: PM Fly Parasites: FP Other Organisms: BSP, CL, DS,
> Fountain's Sierra Bug Co., P.O. Box 114, Rough & Ready, CA 95975,
> (916)273-0513 Other Organisms: CL
> Gardens Alive!, Hwy 48, P.O. Box 149, (812) 623-3800
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PML, PMP
> Fly Parasites: PN
> Parasitic Nematodes: PNH, PNC
> Other Organisms: BP, CL, CPB, EW, GHP, GL, GWP, MB, PM, PMT
> Gerhart, Inc., 6346 Avon Belden Road, North Ridgeville, OH 44039, (216)327-8056
> Predatory Mites: PMM, PMP, PMU
> Other Organisms: APA, DB, DI, GWP
> Gurney Seed & Nursery Corp., 2nd and Capitol, Yankton, SD 57078, (605)665-4451
> Fly Parasites: FP
> Other Organisms: CL, EW, GHP, GL, PMT
> Harmony Farm Supply, P.O. Box 460, Graton, CA 95444, (707)823-9125
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PML, PMM, PMO, PMP, PMU
> Fly Parasites: FPM, FPP, EPR, FPS
> Parasitic Nematodes: PN, PNH, PNC
> Other Organisms: ABA, BSP, CL, CGP, DS, EW, GHP, GL, GWP, MB, MD,
> Hydro-Gardens, Inc., P.O. Box 9707, Colorado Springs, CO 80932 (303)893-3618
> Predatory Mites: PMM, PMP, PMC, PMU, PML
> Parasitic Nematodes: PNH, PNC
> Other Organisms: APA, CL, GL, GWP, MD, DP, GHP, EW
> IPM Laboratories, Inc., Main Street, Locke, NY 13092-0099, (315)497-3129
> Predatory Mites: PMP, PMU, PMC, PMO, PML, PMM
> Fly Parasites: FPC, FPM, FPN
> Parasitic Nematodes: PNC
> Other Organisms: CGP, GWP, APA, MB, GL, MD, DP, DI, EW
> Kunafin Trichogramma Insectaries, Route 1, P.O. Box 39, Quemado, TX
> 78877, (512) 773-0149
> Predatory Mites: PMA
> Fly Parasites: EPA, FPC, FPG, FPL, FPM, FPS, FPZ
> Other Organisms: CL, EW, GL
> Lakeland Nurseries Sales Inc., 340 Poplar Street, Hanover, PA 17331, (717)637-5555
> Other Organisms: CL, PMT
> Mead's Resistant Predatory Mites, 9093 Troxel Road, Chico, CA 95928, (916)895-8125
> Predatory Mites: PMO
> Mellinger's Nursery, 2310 W. South Range Road, North Lima, OH 44452, (216)549-9861,
> (800)321-7444 (orders/catalog)
> Fly Parasites: FPS, FPZ
> Other Organisms: BP, CL, EW, GHP, GL, GWP, MCP, MD, PMT
> Miller Nurseries, 5060 West Lake Road, Canandaigua, NY 14424, (716) 396-2647
> Other Organisms: BP
> Chuck Musgrove, 2707 Monroe St., Riverside CA 92504, (714)785-1680
> Other Organisms: DS
> National Gypsy Moth Management Group, RD 1, Box 715, Landisburg, PA 17040,
> 717)789-3434 Other Organisms: GMC, GMG, GMM, GMI
> Nationwide Seed & Supply, 4801 Fengenbush Lane, Louisville, KY 40228, (502)
> 499-0115 Other Organisms: PMT
> Natural Pest Controls, 8864 Little Creek Drive, Orangevale, CA 95662, (916) 726-0855
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PMO, PMP, PMU
> Fly Parasites: FPN, FPS, FPZ
> Other Organisms: BSP, CL, DB, DI, EW, GL, MB, MF, PBP, PMT
> Nature's Control, P.O. Box 35, Medford, OR 97501, (503) 899-8318
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PML, PMP
> Fly Parasites: FP
> Parasitic Nematodes: PN
> Other Organisms: APA, CL, EW, GL, MD, PMT
> Necessary Trading Co., P.O. Box 603, New Castle, VA 24127, (703) 864-5103
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PMO, PMP
> Fly Parasites: FP
> Parasitic Nematodes: PNC
> Other Organisms: BBP, BP, CL, CPP, EW, GHP, GL, GWP, MB, MD, NPV
> Organic Control, Inc., 5132 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90019, (213) 937-7444
> Predatory Mites: PMP
> Fly Parasites: FP
> Parasitic Nematodes: PNC
> Other Organisms: CL, PMT, GL, EW, DS, GWP
> Organic Pest Mgmt., Consultant, P.O. Box 55267, Seattle, WA 98155, (206)367-0707
> Predatory Mites: PM, PMI, PMU
> Fly Parasites: FP
> Parasitic Nematodes: PNC
> Other Organisms: APA, BSP, CL, CMD, EW, GL, GWP, MB, MD, PMT, RSM
> Richard Owen Nursery, Department 36, 2300 East Lincoln St., Bloomington, IL 61701,
> (309)663-9551 Other Organisms: BP
> Pacific Tree Farms, 4301 Lynwood Drive, Chula Vista, CA 92010, (619) 422-2400
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PML, PMO, PMP
> Other Organisms: DS
> Plant Sciences, Inc., 514 Calabasas Road, Watsonville, CA 95076, (408)728-7771
> Predatory Mites: PMP, PMU
> Other Organisms: DB, DI, GWP
> Praxis, 2723 116th Avenue, Allegan, MI 49010-9095 USA, (616)673-2793
> Predatory Mites: PM
> Fly Parasites: FP
> Parasitic Nematodes: PN
> Other Organisms: CMD, DP, GWP, MG, RSM
> Richters, P.O. Box 26 Goodwood, Ontario, Canada, LOC LAO, (416) 640-6677
> Predatory Mites: PMP Canada only
> Fly Parasites: FP
> Parasitic Nematodes: PN Canada only
> Other Organisms: CL, EW, GL, PMT, APA, GWP Canada only
> Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc., P.O. Box 95, Oak View, CA 93022, (805)643-5407
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PMO, PMP
> Fly Parasites: FP
> Other Organisms: BSP, CL, CMD, DS, EW, GW
> Sespe Creek Insectary, 1400 Grand Avenue, Fillmore, CA 93015, (805)524-3565
> Predatory Mites: PM
> Fly Parasites: FP
> Other Organisms: BSP, CL, DS, EW, GL, GWP, RSM
> Spalding Laboratories, 760 Printz Road, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420, (805)489-5946
> Fly Parasites: FPG, FPM, FPS
> Troy Hygro Systems, 4096 CTH ES, East Troy, WI 53120, (414)642-5928
> Predatory Mites: PM
> Other Organisms: APA, GWP, MD
> Unique Insect Control, 5504 Sperry Drive, Citrus Heights, CA 95621, (916)961-7945
> Predatory Mites: PMC, PMO, PMP
> Fly Parasites: FPM, FPS
> Other Organisms: CL, EW, GL, GWP, PMT
> West Coast Ladybug Sales, P.O. Box 903, Gridley, CA 95948, (916)534-0840
> Other Organisms: CL, PMT
> Whittier Enterprises, P.O. Box 3958, Chico, CA 95927, (916) 895-8170
> Predatory Mites: PMO
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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