The Other, Politcally Correct Bug Release Industry that is 30 times bigger

Paul Cherubini monarch at
Tue Jun 19 04:38:13 EDT 2001

John Grehan wrote:

> However, it appears that all to frequently biocontrols are introduced 
> with either little regard or at best an inadequate or unrealistic regard for 
> potential ecological or other biological consequences (such as competing 
> with a native species, feeding on non-target organisms). Against such 
> impacts is it possible that certain butterfly releases pale into insignificance?

Likewise is it possible the ethical arguments against releases (e.g. "butterflies 
should not be given commodity status and marketed as "living confetti") pale
into nsignificance against other environmental and animal rights causes?
Carlos White, Entomologist and owner of Butterfly Celebration and 
Insect Lore for 32 years made this point on his website:

"In a world where Nature seems to be slowly disappearing all about us, 
attempts to bring it ever closer to our lives should be rewarded, not condemned. 
There are many environmental and animal rights causes to be concerned with 
in our world. The thirst of animals as they're shipped to slaughter houses,
chickens raised for eggs or meat confined in cages far too small for them, 
and calves kept in the dark to guarantee anemia until slaughter to make sure
the meat remains tender, are but a few of those concerns. The shipment and 
release of Painted lady butterflies simply isn't something to be concerned
about. If it were, you can be certain that we'd have no part of it."


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