Mounting Microlepidoptera
Monarchrst at
Monarchrst at
Tue Jun 19 09:19:47 EDT 2001
I don't know about Web pages, but I can share some of my methods.
I use small strips of plastizote that I cut into 3 x 1 inch strips. Into one
side I use a sharp knife to cut a narrow "V"-shaped groove down the center of
the strip. The groove is about 1.5 mm wide and about 1 mm deep. I purchase
the small clear 3 x 5 inch boxes from Watkins & Doncaster on line (Cat item
#E60531, - they only take a few days to arrive by air
freight. I put about 4 of these strips into each box and they work perfectly
to keep bugs out, and prying children's fingers and cats away. Plus you can
see clearly into them.
I mount even the tiniest of micros this way. I also buy my minuten pins from
Watkins and Doncaster, they are all stainless steel and go down to 0.0056" in
diameter, thinner than a human hair and suitable for micros that have only a
3-4 mm wingspan (Cat # E6872). I use matchsticks with minuten pins mounted
in the end as setting needles and mount the micro in the center of the groove
with the wings flush with the flat sides. For mounting strips I use small
squares of the clear plastic film used to wrap CD discs boxes or chocolates
and cut this into squares of between 5 and 8 mm per side. I use a single
minuten to pin the square down above the wing and then lift the lower edge of
the square up with one setting needle while I manipulate the wings into place
with a matchstick mounted pin in the other. When released, the small square
has enough spring to keep the wings in place. The hard edges of the plastic
box are wonderful for steadying ones hand. The tiny specimens dry in about 2
days and can then be used for genitalia preps or for photography with a good
All this may sound complex, but it is extremely easy, only demanding good
vision. I encourage you to look at the micros. We still have hundreds of
species to name yet in the USA, maybe many more. Sometimes their habitats
are very local and restricted and occupy niches perhaps not favored by
butterflies, but just as worth protecting nevertheless. We cannot hope to
protect these precious resources unless we know what it is we are trying to
protect, so get into the micros. Even though they are tiny, they are just as
beautiful as the larger moths and butterflies - just that bit more difficult
to see, handle and identify. Unfortunately, only a fraction are illustrated,
so that will be challenge for all of us to face up to.
Best wishes with your studies, we have almost all of it ahead of us to learn.
Ian Watkinson, Arizona
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