Need livestock of the Monarch and/or the Queen butterfly

Clark cthomp1 at
Sat Jun 23 19:16:45 EDT 2001

I am in Southern California. I have a huge patch of milkweed and a rearing
cage but no visiting Monarchs (they can't seem to find my house for some
reason). I am looking for livestock of the Monarch butterfly and/or the
Queen butterfly. All I would need is a live gravid female or a dozen ova or
6 mid-sized larvae to get a colony going. Prefer California supplier because
I don't have USDA permits to import these into California. But if you are
out of state and have the permits, that will be OK. If you want to trade
instead of sell please see my inventory of papered specimens at the link
below and make an offer.

Thank you,
- Clark Thompson


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