Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Sun Mar 4 23:07:36 EST 2001

This has been a slow weekend on Leps'l. Somehow I don't think it is because
everyone in the Northern Hemisphere has been outside.

Saturday we added a links section to the TILS web site - and a few more
pictures. By clicking on the "last updated" phrase on the upper left corner
of the home page you can find a list of what was done and when.

Webmaster Joe also downsized all the thumbnails in the photo section which
will help this area download faster. Once we get our tree system on the
photo page it will speed it up to where a phone hook up will feel like
you're on a cable line. (Address www.tils-ttr.org )

A taxonomic note. When Harry Pavulaan and I described Brephidium i.
insularus from South Carolina we raised the possibility that this might be
a sibling species. You can compare insularus with topotypes of pseudofea at
the site. Even though insularus is the northern taxon, it is noticeably
larger than pseudofea. Its wing are also longer and not as round. Most
importantly the antennal clubs of pseudofea are shorter, more spoon shaped,
and have prominent orange tips. In insularus they are elongate and all
black to slightly orange tipped. If these are indeed two species, both
species may well be in the Florida Keys. The figured topotypes of pseudofea
match the original description - where the orange antennae are cited as a
major diagnostic feature. One can also see from the thumbnails of pseudofea
how they tend to be whitish at the ventral base of the wings. All of this
and more is discussed in the original description in Taxonomic Report 1:7.

While I'm here, Harry let me know the other day that it looks like we may
have a heavy publication schedule this year - especially the latter half.
He has been in contact with several workers around the planet who are
looking to publish in TTR. Oh, one other thing. The CD of Vol. 2 can now be
ordered via the web site. That form was just added Saturday. And lastly,
several non US persons have contacted me to say they were not able to
subscribe via the PayPal set up. This is because those outside the US need
to set up their own FREE PayPal account to utilize PayPal's services. To do
this, one must go to the PayPal home page and just set up an international
account. Once this is done, return to the TILS subscriptions site an a
proper form will come up without US state and zip code boxes.



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