Butterfly scandal?

Cris Guppy or Aud Fischer cguppy at quesnelbc.com
Thu Mar 22 22:49:19 EST 2001

I think the BC branch of the movement is called "Share our Resources".

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX" <Norbert.Kondla at gems3.gov.bc.ca>
To: <fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu>; <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 1:24 PM
Subject: RE: Butterfly scandal?

> Ken, thanks for this enlightening piece of information. I am probably not
> the only person on this discussion group who has been blissfully unaware
> the wise use movement.  I have always naively thought that wise use is a
> good thing; since to do otherwise is to engage in unwise or non-wise use
> No shortage of rhetoric and sabre-rattling on this planet. I sometimes
> the major cause of global warming is the amount of hot air that emanates
> directly from us humans as we each promote our own view of righteous and
> noble causes. :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kenelm Philip [mailto:fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 1:12 PM
> To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> Subject: Re: Butterfly scandal?
> The 'Wise Use' movement has come in for a lot of flak recently on
> Leps-L. I am not a member, not are any of my friends or acquaintances
> (to my knowledge)--but I do think a little balance should be restored,
> so here goes...
> In the early 1990s the Wilderness Society, alarmed by the rise of
> the Wise Use movement, hired a firm of consultants to review the movement
> and advise them how to counter it. The Wilderness Society _Report on the
> Wise Use Movement_ soon appeared, and was revised in March 1993. This
> report conceded that "Wise Use is a local movement driven primarily by
> local concerns, not national issues." However, it recommended a strategy
> for containing the movement: depict it as a "far right" fanatically
> religious "pawn of powerful special interests." "Expose the Wise Use/Jap-
> anese connection...prepare articles, monographs and books that expose
> Wise Use activities and leaders..."
> Another quote from an environmentalist: "The more we dig into it...
> we have come to the conclusion that this is pretty much generally a grass-
> roots movement, which is a problem, because it means there's no silver
> bullets, it means this is...something that's going to have to be
> in states and communities across the country...The movement is actually
> growing quickly at the grassroots as it finds its base...In New York it's
> about the Adirondack Moutains, it's about private property rights move-
> ments, it's about the Northeastern forests. In the Southeast it's about
> coastal zone management and coastal development. It's about shrimpers in
> Louisiana not liking turtle exclusion devices. In the Midwest it's about
> farmland..."
> Clearly the attempt to 'demonize' the movement has succeeded. In
> practice, of course, both sides of the controversy will happily accept
> money from their supporters, and can thus be accusing of fronting for
> wealthy special interests.
> In case someone wants to accuse me of spouting Wise Use propaganda,
> note that all the direct quotes above were made by environmentalists or
> people hired by them.  :-)
> Ken Philip
> fnkwp at uaf.edu
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