verbage - response(?)

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Fri Mar 23 12:48:40 EST 2001

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: verbage re Butterfly scandal

 At 12:02 AM 03/23/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>To Neil and all,
 >Etc, etc . . . .

 >Is it really necessary to include every word of every digest ever
 >with every post?


The following is a pure editorial and has absolutely no connection with any
actual or fictitious person(s) - which is why it is only addressed to:
Leps-L. Any similarities to actual persons are purely coincidental. Delete
now or don't complain later. Following may require thought (but you may
save your marriage and/or get better sex). Semi-non lepidopterado content.
(Read the book titled "Book" and watch the movie "Brasil" first.) Ok,
you're on your own.

A Response. To many, email is only or mostly desired as just a verbal
quickie -  specifically for the progenitor of it. Get in, say what _you
want_ and get out. Take just enough of the other person's words to satisfy
_your_  interest and delete the rest. Minimal effort (no stamp, no
envelope, no trip to mail box, and definitely no licking) - and maximum
result (what you want, when you want, as you want - slam, bam, and (with
email) not even a dear, or thank you ma'am. Email can even be so verbally
impaired that it becomes less than an electronic post card or post-it
note - so one sided that a partner is not even needed - just aim at the
ether and shoot. Several footnotes at this point. (1. There is a good
reason why the stylistic quickie use of email is most frequent to men. It
is simply a natural extension of the basic male persona - genome -
self-gratifiation. This will also help us understand why the vast majority
of butterfly collectors are men while with watchers the gender ratio is
equil or weighted to females. ((1a. Can we deduce here that those who like
to watch also make better lovers? (((1ai. Sounds like a bumper sticker -
Watchers Do It Better.))) (2. Sorry about using the words weighted and
females together.) (3. If you are not yet amused, you are most likely not
easy to arouse either.) (4. Look, I said you should read the book "Book"
before reading this so quit complaining.)

Correspondence on the other hand is verbal intercourse - a conversation, a
discourse on paper (or monitor). In this mode, when the other person wants
more (be it give or take) it is available (1ai. Oh, yah, baby). Everything
is in full context - so there is no misunderstanding (1ai. Two on time) (5.
someone needs to shut 1ai up). Time is not only required it is essential.
Communicative satisfaction comes not from talking _at_ someone but _with_
someone. And at its zenith (gag on 1ai) reproduces ones own thought and
views in others. (6. This is why men mostly talk at and are poor listeners,
while women talk with and are far superior listeners.)  Real persona
immortality is not passed on through biological seed, but through the
transfer of intellectual thought, philosophy, and values.  We might all say
we like sex - and think of ourselves as a sexual Tyrannosaurus rex. But
that vote can only be cast by ones partner.

What does this have to do with the question asked? About as much as Brasil,
which is not a whole lot. Perhaps I just felt like aiming at the ether - to
make myself feel goooood. Or perhaps this may be so deep that (as a pastor)
(7. Don't let him fool you. He is just nuts as evidenced by the fact that
Brasil is almost his favorite movie!)  I am actually doing some subliminal
counseling to some unknown who may be having marital or other interpersonal
difficulties. Does a doctor ever really stop being a doctor, a nurse a
nurse, a teacher, a mother, a minister - a lepster ? (1ai (lose and as 7)
7. Or an idiot)?

To the question - then. I don't like being taken out of context and I try
not to do it to others too much (7 or 1ai?. Next sermon, next week).  I do
often delete secondary and other earlier posts. I also have unlimited
email - you do get what you pay for. And if you pay for nothing that is
what you will get (have). Want more? Pay/give more (1ai. Third week) You
want "your" wife/woman or husband/man to make love at night you will need
to listen AND be attentive during the day. (1ai (all other footnotes tied
and gagged) Yah, All day = all night. To some that IS rocket science.)/(.)
We also have delete and block sender buttons/functions.

That's enough. I need to save some of my 2,500 daily man allotment of words
for my loving, and very sexy, esposa y me MUJER. Renaldo
(1ai. Or unreasonable facsimile thereof. Did he write this or did 1-a-I?)


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