Finland in June

Rchees6057 rchees6057 at
Sat Mar 31 10:33:29 EST 2001

An old story, almost certainly apocryphal:

An English lepidopterist, collecting moths in Finland, became so annoyed and
frustrated with the vast swarms of flies buzzing round his head that he made a
great sweep with his net, bottled up everything he had caught and sent the
catch to the British Museum for identification.
He was later informed that he had seven species new to science!

(End of story)

You don't have to believe the story; just be prepared for the flies!

Sean Cole wrote:

>A group of friends and I are considering a trip to Finland in June, probably
>the third or fourth week. We have an idea of what may be seen but have no
>idea on where to go. Can anyone out there help?

Roy Cheeseman


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