Greece Butterflies Request

sean cole sean at
Thu May 3 06:18:39 EDT 2001

Hello all,

A short time ago I put a on request for help in finding Butterflies in
Finland in June. Thanks to everyone who replied - you are a very helpful
group of people!

However, we have changed our plan, and are now visiting mainland Greece,
especially the North and North -West of the Country. We arrive on June 23rd
and Depart on June 30th.

Is anyone able to help with information on sites or areas for some of the
special species in that area?

Any information would be gratefully received.

If anyone has any knowledge of Odonata also, we would be keen to see some of
the local "goodies" too.

Thanks in advance,

Sean Cole, Derbyshire, England.

ps if anyone needs help with UK information, I'd be glad to oblige!


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