Local Sightings...

mbpi at juno.com mbpi at juno.com
Tue May 8 17:38:25 EDT 2001

Hi there...

Since the "Lepidoptery locquacious" types have been laying low, and my
email has been glutted with migratory bird sightings, I thought I'd
ruminate on what has been happening here in Evanston, Illinois, USA.

I had to take my car in for some major repairs early this morning, and
from there decided to walk into downtown Evanston on Lake Michigan's
south shore.  A beautiful day:  clear skies and warm (though windy)

Saw many butterflies on the wing...predominately Vanessa atalanta, along
with a couple of Vanessa virginiensis.  No major migratory dispersal
going on here!

I first observed the V. atalanta butterflies resting on the
eastern-facing facades of buildings, catching the early morning rays of
warmth before moving on.  After 8:00 a.m., I saw many V. atalanta flying
about as well as nectoring on what little flower blossoms were available.
 Most of them were just "early morning commuting" like everyone else that
holds a 9 to 5 job!

Also passed another Michoachan Mexican peddling "ices" in his bicycle
freezer...again with the word "Monarca" embellished with a number of
pictures of Danaus plexippus, as well as "Tweety Bird," and various ice
confections (!)  Chicago is second only to Los Angeles in its population
of Mexicans (predominantly Michoachan), so it seems befitting that we
have excellent Mexican restaurants, gardners, and a fleet of "Monarca"
ice-cream vendors!

Already, the summer bodes well for butterflies...something I haven't
observed in the past three years of El Nino and La Nina since I've been
back here in the midwest.

Mary Beth Prondzinski
Evanston, IL
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