Report from higher latitudes

Kenelm Philip fnkwp at
Mon May 14 02:14:02 EDT 2001

	Fairbanks, AK is having a late spring (after its 2nd-mildest winter
on record). Butterflies and moths are starting to appear, however. Here's a
short list of first sightings (nothing like Mark Walker's posts):

15 April: _Nymphalis antiopa_ (Mourning Cloak)
29 April: _Archiearis infans_ (The Infant)
10 May: _Incisalia polia_ (Hoary Elfin)
12 May: _Incisalia augustinus_ (Brown Elfin)
13 May: _Polygonia faunus_ (Green Comma)

The first sighting of _N. antiopa_ occurred at a temperature of around 40F,
during a brief spell of warm weather before we were hit by a cold spell
that produced the 2nd-highest snowfall in May in the history of Fairbanks
weather records.

							Ken Philip


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