unsubscribe at KinkySingles.com

Bateau ItsFAKE at Not-A-Real-Address.com
Tue May 29 10:57:43 EDT 2001

Troy Bartlett: Do you expect me to reply?
Bateau: No Mr Troy Bartlett, I expect you to die!
>My humblest apologies for obviously misdirecting this message.
>I hope it's good for a few laughs and nothing more!
>I don't think there is, but if someone knows how or has the power
>to remove this I would appreciate it.
>"Troy Bartlett" <troy at troyb.com> wrote in message
>news:9euqto$pja$1 at slb7.atl.mindspring.net...
>> Please delete my kinkysingle.com account:

Wow spammers are getting tricky today huh?
|    _              \      _       ^~     email:bateau at jupiter-io.net
|   <')_,/     ,  ;  \   >(')__,  . ` '  ,  ,______________._
|   (_~=/    \._`.'.  \   (_~_/         _,  '------:_______  ;==( *BANG*
|    ='-      \=~_) ;  \ ~^~~^~   ` (_~_/            | | `-\ \    *BANG*
| ICQ:11367619 -'=      \           ~^~~^~           `~'    \_;


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