False labels protect bug zappers

Noah Root Noah_s_root at msn.com
Wed May 30 12:51:58 EDT 2001

Butterfly watchers or who it may concern:
I am a volunteer researcher on false environmental claims. Some are covered up by the EPA to protect pesticide and bug zapper business interests.  The same people that waived required studies of  non-target insect effects from octenol bug zappers are entrusted with monitoring target and non-target insects for effects from genetically engineered Bt crops.  Harm to the environment can be expected to grow when EPA is not requiring truthful labeling. The public panic over West Nile Virus has produced false claims to sell the worse than worthless bug zappers.    
<http:www.mosquitozapper.com/danger.html>  ...."websites with information to help you safeguard your family against mosquito-borne diseases."  The names of linked government agency websites appear on the same pages as "Solutions, Meet the Zappers!"  This commercial use of the agency names communicate an indirect endorsement of zappers.  The deception depends on the fact that  people are not going to read more or find any disclaimer.    
The carton of the  UV-lighted  Flowtron Insect Killer claims "MOSQUITO & BITING FLY CONTROL." and that the product is "ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND." The octenol lure claim is: "MAKES YOUR INSECT KILLER UP TO FIVE TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE IN KILLING MOSQUITOES AND BITING FLIES."  Scientists at the EPA may agree this is "misbranding" but there is no enforcement action. The Code of Federal Regulations is ignored.   
John Burckhardt  jfb8 at cdc.gov  at the Centers for Disease Control, CDC, replied by E-mail about the appearance of endorsement.  " The CDC does not comment on the relative merits of products."  My question: Are not the agencies' names being used to help sell the web site sponsor's product?  The following non-commercial links have facts about the bug zappers.   
Noah Root
5001 S. Hickory Ave. #127
Broken Arrow, OK 74011
(918) 451-7597
noah-s-root at msn.com  
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