TILS Scientific Names Index now online

Andrew Warren warrena at bcc.orst.edu
Thu Nov 1 14:48:49 EST 2001


I almost burst out laughing the first time I read the title of the list,
"Taxonomically Correct."  I am not trying to dump all over this list,
since I agree that an "objective" list of butterfly names is in many ways
better than a "subjective" one.  But please, please, explain what makes
this list Taxonomically Corect.  The description below doesn't quite
answer this.  

Andy Warren

> Ultimately, the TC-ISBN will feature drop-down menus, making retreiving of 
> information quick and easy.  We are experimenting with ways to post 
> associated notes which explain individual additions, changes, revisions, etc. 
> as they are incorporated into the Index.  We hope that researchers, 
> naturalists, hobbyists and watchers alike avail themselves to this 
> information source.  It offers a unique approach to listing butterfly names 
> without editorial or committee edict over published research, or unjustified 
> changes brought about at the discretion of list compilers.  It also deviates 
> from the current practice of lumping butterfly genera into broad, inclusive 
> "super-genera" such as Callophrys, which is being used in a number of 
> publications and websites to replace several described, related genera, 
> despite published research to the contrary.  The nomenclature presented here 
> is based wholly on what the original researching authors themselves intended 
> through years of devoted research.


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