[New Species]

Anton Chichvarkhin anton_ch at usa.net
Fri Nov 2 13:06:14 EST 2001

AZ - Except of polyploidy, there the individuals possessing different
chromosome numbers within one populaton might appear (e.g. Agrodiaetus
(Lycaenidae). It is rather common phenomena in polyploid plant and animal
species. These cytogeneticaly different individuals may be erroneously
considered as ano ther species. Some systematic mistakes may be caused by
aberrant individuals (for example, recentlyI got aberrant Luehdorfia puziloi
(Papilionidae) with the outlook of L.chinensis, but its DNA was normal
L.puziloi). Also, there is a hybridogenic speciation of many plant species,
but it is documented that these speciations took rather considerable time. The
plants, procaryotes and viruses does not have so definite species concept like
we have in zoology, i.e. the speciation may depend on what we consider a
species. Hence, you may easily find some notes on burst speciation in the
Internet or literature databases
(e.g. SCI, PubMed).


AZ <no at nospamex.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for any publication, preferably on the Internet, 
> supporting hypothesis of creation of new species in a lifetime
> of ONE generation.  New species are created NOT over 
> millions, or thousands or hundreds or even tens of 
> years, but within one generation of a given species. A spontaneous
> burst/mutation of young members of the same generation into new 
> species.  
> Appreciate your respond to this posting.
> Regards, AZ
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