Checklist (2nd try - ungarbled version)

HpAzures at HpAzures at
Thu Nov 15 07:30:39 EST 2001

Wow, somehow my last reply got garbled in transmission.  I have never seen this happen before.  It wasn't total incompetence on my part.  Let me try this one more time:

Mike Soukup asks: 

I know this is a long shot.  But, does anybody have Ferguson's checklist in either a text or database.  I had been typing in ALL of the names in an effort to create a computerized collection package.  But, in the
"great triple computer crash of 2001" I lost everything (and it was about 4600 entries so far....sigh).  I have been and continue to steal lists from websites....but they are incomplete in both total species and data (ie. name of person who described the species and date).  Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.......

Anyone interested in a very recent, complete list of species and subspecies names can reference The International Lepidoptera Survey's "TC-ISBN", which is a names index in progress.  Go to, then to the names page,, which is then to TC-ISBN, then click on "List".  This list contains all species and subspecies recognized from Lep. Soc. Memoir #3 and is currently being updated to include the complete synonymy, and new names and changes published since Memoir #3.  The synonymy presently included is only partially complete.  In the coming weeks I plan to include all of the new names and changes introduced in
"Systematics of Western North American Butterflies", "The Taxonomic Report", "Papilio - New Series", as well as from a variety of publications
and journals.  

Many of these changes, such as the recognition of revised status for "Nymphalis vaualbum" as "Roddia l-album", and "Chlosyne nycteis" as "Charidryas ismeria nycteis" I guarantee you will not see in any of the
major lists for years to come, if at all!

Harry Pavulaan


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