More on the Zebra Swallowtail in West Virginia

Hilton, Rob rhilton at
Mon Nov 19 12:25:34 EST 2001


Sorry for the delay in making this post.  

First, more information from my friend about his recent Zebra
Swallowtail sighting: he's not a beginner butterflier, he has seen
hundreds of Tiger and enough Zebra Swallowtails that he can recognize
them instantly (both color and pattern).  He was only three feet from
this one and I watched it for 30 seconds.  He said: "It was not a Buck
Moth, it was a Zebra Swallowtail."  

One person who emailed me privately said that he found a Zebra
Swallowtails on top of Spruce Knob (4863 feet and one of the highest
peaks in West Virginia) one summer many years ago, and pointed out that
premature emergences of individuals destined for the following spring
can occur during warm autumn periods.  

Rob Hilton (on nomail)
rhilton at
Bethesda, Md. 


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