More on the Zebra Swallowtail in West Virginia

tallen at tallen at
Tue Nov 27 05:12:46 EST 2001

Subject:       More on the Zebra Swallowtail in West Virginia
Date:          Mon, 19 Nov 2001 13:33:44 -0500
From:          "Hilton, Rob" <rhilton at>
To:            <LEPS-L at>
Reply-to:      rhilton at

Rob and others:
I hestitated to answer this - you all seemed to be doing such a fine 
job discussing this swallowtail sighting.  First, there are Zebras on 
No. Fork Mtn.  There is a fair amount of Paw Paw there, especially to 
the north on Cave Mtn., and Zebras occur in Smoke Hole regularly.  We 
have had some very warm weather during the last few weeks, and I 
agree that what was seen was probably a triggered emergence of a 
wintering individual.  I wouldn't doubt the man's claim to have seen 
one; I have seen other similar emergences myself over the years.

Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents worth.

Tom Allen

The middle sentence of the second paragraph should read "He was only
three feet from this one and *he* watched it for 30 seconds".  My

Also, thank you to everybody who replied to me, on or off list.  

Rob Hilton



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