Junonia coenia & Florida trip page

Randy Emmitt birdcr at concentric.net
Wed Nov 28 21:59:34 EST 2001


I finally finished the last roll of film from my Florida trip in mid 
November and uploaded photos and details to a page at my web site at 

One butterfly that got my attention was a Common Buckeye, Junonia coenia as 
it was very fresh and it had nearly no markings where viewed with the wings 
closed. I have a photo at the bottom of the page at 
http://www.rlephoto.com/butterflies/florida_day5.htm and one from the 
summer of 1999 in NC at 
http://www.rlephoto.com/butterflies/common_buckeye01.html that`s very well 
marked. If this the difference between a summer brood and fall brood? I`m 
sure someone can shed some light on this.

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC


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