Down Loads with a virus

Leptraps at Leptraps at
Thu Nov 29 16:51:07 EST 2001

I just thought this was something some of you may want learn. If you are curious about this virus, check this out:

Review my previous post which is copied below, check the file names on the downloads. Then go to: 
and clicking on the big red circle in the upper left of the page. As you scroll down you will find a list of file attachments and the two in my e-mail will be there.

Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus did not even know they have sent out these messages. The worm got in and did its thing without them even knowing.

Previous Message
>I received to e-mails from: Guy_VdP at with >identifying names of(Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus). Each >e-mail referenced a >post that I had made to Leps-L in >September and October: 
>1.) RE: Cold >Weather Form of Colias Verytheme.
>2.) RE:Hornets in my bait traps.

>The first contained a download: ME_NUDE.MP3.scr, the >second: Humor.MP3.scr.
>My virus software detected the virus. I made no attemp >to open either.

>I replied by notifying them that they sent a >contaminated file. 

>Has anyone else received these types of e-mails? Does >anyone know who these folks are? This is not the first >time I have received files MP3.scr that contained the >virus.

Thanks to Steve Goldstein for putting me on to this.

I will e-mail Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus a week or so from now and he will have no idea that this happened. Unless he reads this on this list! I also owe them an apology!

Leroy C. Koehn
Georgetown, KY  


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