Thunberg, 1791

Niklas Wahlberg Niklas.Wahlberg at
Fri Nov 30 05:08:49 EST 2001

    I'm going down to the Natural History Museum Library to have a look for 
the publication, they may actually have it lying on a shelf there (since 

At 19:47 29.11.2001 -0600, Chris J. Durden wrote:
Later in the same year there appeared Vol. XII (for October, November, 
December of 1791) in the New Proceedings of the Royal Academy (Kongl. 
Vetenskaps Academiens nya Handlingar, Stockholm) a paper by C. Quensel 
(presumably the same as Quenzel) titled "Beskrifningar ofver 8 nya Svenska 
Dagfjarillar. In this paper Quensel illustrates with good figures and 
describes as new -
>>      P. embla - Pl. IX, f. 1, 2 [=Erebia embla (Thb.)]
>>           In desertis paludosis Dalekarliae, in ter Saernam & Elfdaliam, 
>> circa finem nensis Junii.
>>      P. gefion - Pl. IX, f. 3, 4 female [=Erebia disa (Thb.)]; f. 5, 6 
>> male [=Erebia pandrose (Bkh)]
>>           In Lapponia Tornoensi maxime boreali ad Enontakis, in locis 
>> depressis, turfosis, ubi flores Rubi chamaemori copiose inveniuntur, 
>> frequens, brevi tempore, a fine mensis Junii vix ad medium Julii, occurrit.
>>      P. hilda - Pl. IX, f. 7, 8 [=Oeneis norna (Thb.)]
>>           In Lapponia inter Enontakis meridiem & fines Norvegiae 
>> septentrionem versus, in collibus aridissimis Lichene Rhangiferino 
>> obductis. Rarior praecedentibus.
>>      P. norna - Pl. X, f. 1, 2 [=Oeneis bore (Hbn.]
>>           In pratis Lapponiae borealioris, minus frequens.
>>      P. frigga - Pl. X, f. 3, 4. [Boloria (Clossiana) frigga (Thb.)]
>>           In Lapponiae australioris pratis floriferis, initio mensis 
>> Julii. Sequente multum infrequentior.
>>      P. freija - Pl. X, f. 5, 6. [Boloria (Clossiana) freija (Thb.)]
>>           In Lapponiae Tornoensis pratis depressis ad Latera montium & 
>> alpium, a fine Junii af medium Julii non rarus.
>>      P. fulla - Pl. X, f. 7, 8. [Melitaea cinxia (L.)]
>>           In Roslagiae maritimis; Insula Singon, mense Julii. Rarus.
>>      P. hertha - Pl. X, f. 9, 10 [Mellicta diamina (Lang)]
>>           Prope Holmiam [by] D. Schoenherr
>>At the end of his paper Quensel footnotes the publication of the other 
>>paper which he attributes to Thunberg. He states that Embla, Norna, 
>>Freija, Frigga are described there under the same names. In addition he 
>>notes "hvaremot den af Auctor under N:o II fundne P. GEFION darstades 
>>blifvit kallad P. DISA; som til rattwlle for Synonymien har bordt 
>>anmarkas." [I wish I knew Swedish!]
Here is a translation: "whereas the author under number II finds P. gefion 
there to be called P. disa; which should have been noticed when considering 
synonyms". How's that for ambiguous?? Perhaps there is more?


Niklas Wahlberg
Department of Zoology
Stockholm University
S-106 91 Stockholm

Phone: +46 8 164047
Fax:   +46 8 167715


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