Butterflies of the West Indies - books wanted

colin.jones at mnr.gov.on.ca colin.jones at mnr.gov.on.ca
Mon Oct 1 13:39:58 EDT 2001

Hi all,

Does anyone happen to have a copy of either of the following two books that
they would be willing to sell? I will, of course, also cover the shipping

D.S. Smith, L.D. Miller and J.Y. Miller (1994). The butterflies of the West
Indies and South Florida, 264 p., Oxford University Press, Oxford.

N.D. Riley (1975). A field guide to the butterflies of the West Indies, 224
p., Collins, London.

Please respond to me personally at colin.jones at mnr.gov.on.ca



Colin D. Jones
colin.jones at mnr.gov.on.ca


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