Building or buying a caterpillar house

Lodewyk Lemmer llemmer at
Thu Oct 4 17:15:30 EDT 2001

Can any one help me with obtaining a caterpillar house or obtaining 
plans for building one with recommended materials?

I have in mind a structure on the lines of a chicken coop or pigeon 
loft in which food and nectar plants can be set in pots and where the 
caterpillars could safely mature and the butterflies emerge and be 

I have a comprehensive butterfly garden but fear that the mortality 
rate of caterpillars is extremely high, mostly due to a healthy 
population of Florida lizards. I should like to harvest at least some 
caterpillars and rear them to maturity in such an enclosure.

I am sure that some one has done this before and that I do not need to 
re-invent the wheel.

Your help will be much appreciated.


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