tiny moth? ID

Eric or Pat Metzler spruance at infinet.com
Fri Oct 5 07:33:12 EDT 2001

Dear Sebrez at webtv.net:

When you post these requests please tell us where the moth was found and 
the time of year the moth was flying.  The answer for Africa will be 
completely different than the answer for California.

Cheers from Columbus Ohio - Fall is in the air.

Eric Metzler

sebrez at webtv.net wrote:

>Size, approx. 12 mm, mostly black, white bar across top wing, cutting it
>in half, small white mark on the outside edge of bottom wing.  
>   I've looked through the guide to moths of north america, it looks
>similar to :
>phaloesia saucia
>gnophaela latipennis
>cisthene picta
>cisthene conjuncta 
>    There are no specs with the above so I couldn't tell about the size.
>It's a cute little bugger, but hard to mount. Sorry about my
>description, not very professional.  
>mail to: sebrez at webtv.net                     
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