ID this noctuid?
hkmoths at
Tue Oct 16 00:42:20 EDT 2001
O.k. This is Adris tyrannus. Eudocima is the genus that Poole (1989) lumped
(perhaps incorrectly) Adris, Eudocima and Othreis in, also possibly other
genera (I don't have the book immediately to hand). Primarily a tropical
species, found as far north as Japan. Not many records in Hong Kong (where I've
seen it on only a handful of occasions in over 350 nights recording). Almost
certainly a stowaway, although perfectly capable of travelling the distance if
it were to get caught up in a strong storm system.
Roger Kendrick.
--- James Kruse <fnjjk1 at> wrote: > Greetings:
> Best bet so far is an Eudocima spp (thanks James Adams). Members of this
> genus have a history of being shipboard stowaways. Buldir Island is not
> exactly where you want to end up to homestead, so maybe one morning it was
> shooed away from a light on the deck of a ship?
> Anyhow, thanks to Barb Beck, I have someone to host the picture for me. You
> can see the moth at:
> Please let me know if you can identify it for me. The photo date is 23 June
> 2001.
> Regards,
> Jim
> on 10/12/01 3:27 PM, James Kruse at fnjjk1 at wrote:
> > Greetings:
> >
> > I have a good picture of a large, colorful, and probably a strong flying
> > noctuid that was caught, photographed and released (to my extreme dismay)
> on
> > Buldir Island in the western Aleutians. I suspect it is a stray from the
> > Oriental subregion of the Palaearctic, but I don't know for sure. I have
> seen
> > similar species in Japan when I was there.
> >
> > It looks like Catocalinae, but not a Catocala spp. The forewings strongly
> > resemble dead leaves, including the main leaf vein leading out to the
> produced
> > apex. The hind wings are yellow with black stripes. The wingspread looks to
> be
> > over 3 inches, maybe closer to 4 (wings reach across a woman's hand). It
> looks
> > rather distinctive to me. If someone would like to take a look at this
> thing I
> > can send the picture.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > James J. Kruse, Ph.D.
> > Curator of Entomology
> > University of Alaska Museum
> > 907 Yukon Drive
> > Fairbanks, AK, USA 99775-6960
> > tel 907.474.5579
> > fax 907.474.1987
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Ecology & Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong
Senior Conservation Officer, Fauna Conservation, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, H.K.
moths at, hkmoths at or kendrick at
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