web visitors?

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Wed Oct 17 18:29:20 EDT 2001

You should have looked it up in the LEPsters 2002 dictionary.  It is there
that you will also find lepidasical, nymphalimaniac, and lepsteration - a
rather bad injury induced while driving and paying more attention to
butterflies than to the road. };>)

Sorry.  The last one was uncalled for.  Glad to hear you're alright, btw.

Here are a few more:

lepisiotomy - any accidental slicing of flesh while preparing leps
lepisode - a documented day in the life of a field lepster
lepidemic - any mass emergence
lepicurean - fast food diet of lepster while in the field
lepilogue - what I usually post to this newsgroup
lepilepsy and lepileptic - bizarre flailing behavior observed in severely
infected lepsters, usually after sighting a killer bug
lepiphany - strange larger than life lep sightings, never corroborated by
lepiscopal - stuffy authoritarian behavior demonstrated by various society
lepitaph and lepithet - what every lepster is hoping to have printed on
their gravestone
lepsilon - an unknown letter in the Greek alphabet - often used to quantify
phenological differences between ssp.
lepotomy - a procedure performed on bad children, whereby all normal brain
activity is replaced with an obsession for lepidoptera.  Mine was performed
in 1966.  How about yours?


Mark Walker.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leptraps at aol.com [mailto:Leptraps at aol.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:42 AM
> To: gatrelle at tils-ttr.org; jjcardinal at aol.com; leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> Subject: Re: web visitors?
> Hey Guys, wait a minute!!!!
> I beleive this list is creating a whole new vocabulary. 
> "LEPSTERING".......Where  did we find this word. I looked 
> this one up in my dictionary, AND my new 2002 Webster spell 
> confirmation program. It is not there.
> Lepper, lepster, lepping, and now Lepstering, next we will 
> have leppercondriacs, maybe Leproids. Preparation H can fix that. 
> Come on, lets have some more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Cheers,
> Leroy C. Koehn 
> Georgetown, KY
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