saepiolus snippet

Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX Norbert.Kondla at
Thu Oct 18 11:28:38 EDT 2001

Last night I noticed that the type locality of the North American butterfly
subspecies Aricia saepiolus amica W.H.Edwards 1863 has been incorrectly
stated in recent literature including the last official checklist for USA
and Canada (Miller and Brown 1981).  It has been referenced as Fort Simpson,
Northwest Territories but a valid neotype designation by Brown 1970 using a
specimen from Fort Smith, Northwest Territories makes Fort Smith the correct
type locality in accordance with the ICZN rules for zoological nomenclature.

Norbert Kondla  P.Biol., RPBio.
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
845 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 1H3
Phone 250-365-8610
Mailto:Norbert.Kondla at


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