Pupae vs. Chrysalis

Stanley A. Gorodenski stanlep at extremezone.com
Sun Oct 21 23:39:14 EDT 2001

I retract this question.  I think I know why you would use the term
chrysalis, although, from what little I know of Hedyliids which was all
learned from this list (and recently page 4 of Opler's Eastern butterfly
book), it probably could be debated.  

"Stanley A. Gorodenski" wrote:
> On what basis would you apply the term chrysalis to Hedyliids?  In that
> the term originally appears to have been applied to certain Nymphalids
> that had metallic gold like markings, do some Hedyliid pupae have such
> markings?
> "Chris J. Durden" wrote:
> >
> > Does an Hedylid have a chrysalis? I would say yes, but I would use the word
> > pupa to describe it, and I would call the similar stage of an Orange Tip a
> > pupa too.
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