glassine envelopes?

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Mon Oct 22 12:43:51 EDT 2001

    I have always bought them from philatelic vendors or from the 
manufacturers (thousands at a time, when I can get the addresses). I think 
there are manufacturers and vendors of good quality  glassine envelopes in 
Germany. For the amateur, these philatelic suppliers are a good source for 
inexpensive binocular microscopes. Numbers bring the prices down. There are 
many more stamp collectors than there are butterfly collectors.
...........Chris Durden

At 12:11 PM 10/22/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>    Does anybody know where one can buy glassine envelopes (for storing 
> dried butterflies) in Europe? I've tried the American Bioquip company, 
> but they are not responding to my queries. Any info would be greatly 
> appreciated.
>Niklas Wahlberg
>Department of Zoology
>Stockholm University
>S-106 91 Stockholm
>Phone: +46 8 164047
>Fax:   +46 8 167715


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