insect pins and airport security

Mark Walker MWalker at
Mon Oct 22 19:53:00 EDT 2001

Actually, I did bring a few pinned specimens back from the field.  They went
through security with no problem.  My advice is not to bring it up - on the
other hand, they will basically confiscate anything that they won't allow
through the check point.  I've only lost a pair of nail clippers so far.

Mark Walker.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Liz Day [mailto:beebuzz at]
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 3:12 PM
> To: leps-l at
> Subject: insect pins and airport security
>  >I've even heard that insect pins themselves may very likely 
> fail to pass 
> through the security checks -
> True?   I was planning on hand-carrying a box of specimens to 
> NYC.   I 
> guess I should ask the airlines whether this will be a 
> problem.   I hate to 
> entrust them to baggage check.  :-(
> Liz
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Liz Day
> Indianapolis, Indiana, central USA  (40 N, ~86 W)
> Home of budgerigar Tweeter and the beautiful pink inchworm 
> (Eupithecia 
> miserulata).
> USDA zone 5b.  Winters ~20F, summers ~85F.  Formerly 
> temperate deciduous 
> forest.
> daylight at
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
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