BUGS: lilaceous vs violaceous

Bill Cornelius billcor at mail.mcn.org
Thu Oct 25 15:56:24 EDT 2001

I agree with Sean, but only because it's easier than disagreeing, art being
in the eye of the beholder is not a feckless platitude. Color descriptions
are notorious, and interpretations change by the minute with the attitude of
the perciever. towhit: where do the lines fall between mauve, kaki, and puce?
(it depends on the background color). Ive seen liacs closer to cobalt blue,
and violets from sky blue to yellow. To estimate what the author was talking
about, one might consider when and where the author obtained his color
information. hopefully not in late 60s San francisco. Just the word
"Lilaceous" sounds either fateous or old fashioned, (say '30s?) but if he was
a Sargent ot Rockwell fan he may be more conservative... etc. etc.
adeu chillin

Sean Bromilow wrote:

> Well, I'm going from an artistic perspective here, but lilac is a lighter
> pinky-purple colour, while violet is bluish-purple colour. Violaceous is
> the darker and more "purple" of the two. Lilaceous is pinker, but still a
> light purple.
> Hope that helps
> -Sean Bromilow-
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