unknown insect

Niklas Wahlberg Niklas.Wahlberg at zoologi.su.se
Mon Oct 29 02:34:31 EST 2001

Sounds like you found a tick chock full of blood. Was it grey? Do you have 
a dog? If it was a tick, you would have found that it had 8 legs rather 
than 6 (like insects have). By putting it outside, you've just helped make 
hundreds or thousands of new ticks!


At 04:59 29.10.2001 +0000, JLOTHAR1 wrote:
>I found an insect in my house that I am unfamiliar with, I wll do my best to
>describe it... When I first saw it I thought it was a pea on the floor(yes 
>a pea out of a pod), I picked it up and was going to throw it away when I saw
>that it had little black legs. I put it outside, but I am still curious as to
>what kind of bug it is.Any help would be appreciated.
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Niklas Wahlberg
Department of Zoology
Stockholm University
S-106 91 Stockholm

Phone: +46 8 164047
Fax:   +46 8 167715



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