Dusky Blue Hairstreak?

Mikie michael_ann at mindspring.com
Wed Oct 31 16:09:32 EST 2001

Hi again resident lepsters!

This past weekend I observed this little butterfly flitting about the leaf
litter in my yard.  When it was flying it displayed a beautiful blue w/
iridescence.  I was never able to capture a picture of the top-side of its
wings.  I watched this little butterfly sit on a leaf and rub its hind legs
together, back and forth for a period of about 30 seconds or so, then it
would climb down into the leaves, or under the top layer of leaves, I am
guessing to deposit eggs.

I took as many pictures of it as I could as it seems the more pics you have,
the better chance of an ID.  Once again I am in the SE of Texas, z8, just NE
of Houston.

And by the way, I enjoyed seeing the pic of the Ruby-spotted Swallowtail in
the other thread.

I have seen more Monarchs and Red Admirals flitting through lately in regard
to seasonal activity.

(again) Thanks in advance for all your ID help,


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