Polites origenes or P. themistocles?

Nick Grishin grishin at chop.swmed.edu
Wed Oct 31 19:17:01 EST 2001

I enjoyed the discussions in this thread and hope we will have
more of this kind. Thanks to all.

After looking at the pictures more and spending some time with the
drawers I do not change my vote, I think they are both *themistocles*, but
I change confidence:

Top picture (3Oct)   : high
Bottom picture (7Oct): almost certain

My judgement is based on series of offsprings reared from single females. 
Both individuals pictured fall nicely within that variation among 
"sisters". All the characters discussed in the thread are certainly very
interesting and make sence as trends, but *themistocles* variation is
tremendous. I had some *themistocles* females with almost no orange
scaling near the costa, but I am yet to see *origenes* with spots as
yellow, and with orange scaling that close to the apex and blending with
the 3 little spots as in 3Oct individual. Maybe the picture shows one,
but I think it is unlikely.
Well, for what it's worth, nick


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