Butterflies (3 spp.) and the F&WS
David Smith
idleweed at tusco.net
Sat Sep 1 06:17:45 EDT 2001
What everyone seems to overlook in these debates is that someone owns
the land that you are talking about and very reasonably has plans for it. If
that person cannot use the land in the way that they want to then the
government should reemburse him (or her) for their loss. That is the way
things have historically worked (at least in the U. S.) and that is the only
honest way to do it. If the government does not reemburse the owner then
they are thieves. Why should one person or organisation bear the burden of
preserving a species, subspecies, or local population of an organism? Don't
get me wrong, I am in favor of habitat preservation but I don't think
another should bear the burden for what I want done.
David Smith
"Mike Quinn" <Mike.Quinn at tpwd.state.tx.us> wrote in message
news:22D91ED6CCEED311BED1009027A8F72CD1A3A2 at tpwd-mx1.tpwd.state.tx.us...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NEWS at fws.gov [mailto:NEWS at fws.gov]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 1:03 PM
> To: fws-news at lists.fws.gov
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> Chris Tollefson 202-208-5634
> Interior Secretary Gale Norton today announced that the U.S. Fish and
> Wildlife Service and several conservation organizations have reached an
> agreement in principle that will enable the Service to complete work on
> evaluations of numerous species proposed for listing under the Endangered
> Species Act.
> Under this agreement with the Center for Biological Diversity, Southern
> Appalachian Biodiversity Project, California Native Plant Society, and the
> Biodiversity Legal Foundation, the Service will issue final listing
> decisions for 14 species and propose eight more species for listing. The
> Service also will be able to take action on four citizen petitions to list
> species under the Act. The Service and the organizations have agreed to
> extend deadlines for eight other critical habitat designations, thereby
> making funds available for these actions.
> <snips>
> Carson wandering skipper (Nevada and California): Emergency Listing
> This species of skipper butterfly, Pseudocopaeodes eunus, is the only one
> in it genus. It is found locally distributed in grassland habitats on
> alkaline substrates in Nevada and California. The skipper depends on
> saltgrass communities with a freshwater source nearby to support nectar
> sources. This subspecies is threatened by habitat fragmentation,
> degradation, and loss primarily due to agriculture, livestock grazing, and
> urban development. Non-native plant invasion and impacts from proposed
> water development projects which can alter local hydrology are also
> threats. The genus of skipper butterfly is believed to include five
> subspecies: One of the subspecies, P. e. obscurus, currently found in
> two populations, one in Washoe County, Nevada and the other in Lassen
> County, California. A third population of P.e. obscurus known from
> City, Nevada is believed to have been extirpated from that site in recent
> years.
> Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly (New Mexico): Proposed Listing
> Rule
> The Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly is restricted to the
> vicinity of Cloudcroft in the Sacramento Mountains in Otero County, New
> Mexico. The species is threatened by destruction and fragmentation of
> habitat from private and commercial development, habitat degradation and
> loss of host plants from grazing, encroachment of conifers and non-native
> vegetation into non- forested openings, over-collection, and, due to its
> limited range, vulnerability to local extirpations from extreme weather
> events or catastrophic wildfire including fire suppression activities.
> Miami blue butterfly (Florida): 90-day Finding
> The Miami blue is a small butterfly with bright blue forewings on both
> sexes, a wide dark outer border on the forewing in females, and an
> orange-capped eyespot on the hindwing. This subspecies once occurred from
> mainland peninsular Florida, as far north as Hillsborough and Volusia
> counties, southward to south Florida and the Keys, including the Dry
> Tortugas.
> News releases are also available on the World Wide Web at
> http://news.fws.gov
> Questions concerning a particular news release or item of
> information should be directed to the person listed as the
> contact. General comments or observations concerning the
> content of the information should be directed to Mitch Snow
> (Mitch_Snow at fws.gov) in the Office of Public Affairs.
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