Species definitions!

Sean Patrick Mullen spm23 at cornell.edu
Wed Sep 5 09:16:57 EDT 2001

Sorry Jim!  There never has been and never will be a clear, simple, 
black-or-white, definition of species.  The concept of species is 
inherently subjective because the process that generate these 
fascinating units of taxonomy is exactly that, a process.

I find it difficult to imagine a definition that would satisfy 
everyone.  Speciation occurs over long geographic time scales, 
sometimes relatively quickly and other times relatively slowly.  In 
either case, one population begins to diverge and is eventually 
recognized as two separate biological entities.  Much of the debate 
over species concepts is driven by differences in opinion about when 
the "recognition" should occur.  Is it enough to be able to 
distinguish among geographic variants of an organism?  Is the 
evolution of reproductive isolation a more appropriate landmark on 
the road to speciation?

Even assuming that you can personally come to believe in one species 
concept over another, you'll still have to deal with other peoples 
differing opinions and other organisms steadfast refusal to be so 
classified by your scheme of choice:).

I think that instead of feeling frustrated and discouraged by lack of 
agreement on what a "species" is, it would be a more rewarding 
experience to enjoy the truly marvelous diversity presented by life 
and appreciate the complexity of processes that generate such amazing 

Just my two cents.


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To: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at tils-ttr.org>, "Leps-l" <Leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Cc: "James Adams" <JADAMS at em.daltonstate.edu>
Subject: Re: genera
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 05:47:55 -0400
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Haaalllpp!! Will someone please produce a simple, black-or-white, definition
of "species?" Seems to me all else is as James states: artificial.


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