18th field report

Chris J. Durden drdn at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Sep 19 11:40:27 EDT 2001

At 01:10 AM 9/19/2001 -0400, you (Ron G.) wrote:

>proceeded to flit (fly would be a wrong descriptive term for this species)
>to 4 successive flower heads.  I do not recall ever seeing an subspecies of
>pegala visiting flowers before.  Anyone else?

*C. "pegala" texana* regularly visits flowers of Frostweed in Central 
Texas. *C. "pegala" ino* and other species of *Cercyonis* visit Goldenrod 
and The-Dreaded-Spotted-Knapweed in Carbon Co., Montana. All these 
observations were in late summer and fall. The butterflies may have been in 
search of moisture rather than nectar, in dry habitat.
............Chris Durden


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