
Thomas, Tony tthomas at
Thu Sep 20 09:38:55 EDT 2001

With reference to Mike's mystery notodontid. Several years ago, maybe 10-15,
I spent some time collecting at The Wedge Plantation in South Carolina.
While there I was shown a complete set of colour plates of the notodontids
destined for an upcoming fascicle in MONA. Apparently, the plates were
waiting for someone to write the text.
	Are these plates still extant? If so, could they be put out as web
pages in the near future?


Dr. A.W. Thomas
Research Scientist
Canadian Forest Service - Atlantic Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada
PO Box 4000
1350 Regent Street
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5P7

 e-mail: tthomas at
'phone (506) 452-3523
FAX (506) 452-3525

Illustrated Checklist of Fundy National Park Moths:

Giant Silkmoths of Fundy National Park:

> ----------
> From: 	Mike Soukup[SMTP:mikayak at]
> To: 	Leps-l
> Subject: 	moth id - again.
> However, I can't find a photo of H. tortuosa anywhere.  There is not one
> at the "Moths of NA" site.  And, Jeff Snyders list points to a
> non-existant photo. 


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