Digital Camera Dilema

Sean Patrick Mullen spm23 at
Wed Sep 26 11:18:32 EDT 2001

Hello everyone...perfectly dreary, and typical, day here in Ithaca, NY.

I was wondering if anyone on the list has had success with digital photography?

I'm planning to do some controlled crosses between phenotypically
"pure" individuals of the Red-Spotted Admiral group.  I want to take
digital images of the resulting wing color patterns so that I can use
a computer program to analyze them.  Any suggestions?

Ideally, I'd like to get a camera that could take nice pictures in
the lab but also be useful for field photography but that may be
asking too much.  Oh yeah, if I could get one for less that a grand
it would be nice too!!!!

Thanks for your advice.

-Sean Mullen

P.S. -To everyone on the list who sent me specimens over the
summer...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.  They have been invaluable
as genetic samples.


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