Milkweed & monarchs

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Mon Apr 1 17:26:06 EST 2002

There was a solicitation recently for data on milkweed status.  Here
(Charleston, South Carolina) in my wild flower garden I have some native
patches of A. tuberosa (Butterfly-weed).  One very only plant has several
shoot up with the tallest being 9 inches.  The younger ones are only about
three inches above dirt level.

Monarchs have been seen at least twice - each a single specimen.  I'd have
to go back and find the date of the first - in February.  The most recent
was a couple weeks ago in mid March.  The one in March was exploring around
a yard near the beach.  It was there in that area for several hours - as
long as I was there.

Ron Gatrelle


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