[leps-talk] Re: Common Names update

Hank Brodkin hbrodkin at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 2 08:12:33 EST 2002

Obviously, Barb, you have had too much winter up your way.  Spring is coming
and you can enlighten the great unknowing masses in the North Country!
Lighten up.  The world will neither end or be saved by any of our efforts.
I was not making fun of anybody - just stating a method I use to
differentiate between forms. Sorry your took it as an insult, lady!

Hank Brodkin
Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
hbrodkin at earthlink.net
SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association (SEABA)
"Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide"
by Bob Stewart, Priscilla Brodkin and Hank Brodkin

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barb Beck" <barb at birdnut.obtuse.com>
To: "Hank Brodkin" <hbrodkin at earthlink.net>;
<robert.beiriger at worldnet.att.net>; "leplists" <LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu>;
"Tils" <TILS-leps-talk at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 11:00 PM
Subject: RE: [leps-talk] Re: Common Names update

> Obviously Hank Brodkin wants to make fun of us because we want to keep
> of the field identifiable forms of our butterflies.  Some of these field
> identifiable forms are actually good species - even the NABA admits in
> justification of their latest names that they are good species but still
> fails to separate them and therefore does not separate them in their
> database.
> Well Hank.  I am working hard here to try to help people find out
> about what we have. I want my data stored to the precision possible.
> do not poke fun of us for trying.
> I guess where you are everything is know about your butterflies or you do
> not care.  Well I do.
> Barb Beck
> Edmonton


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