looking for DC timers for UV traps

Pohl, Greg GPohl at NRCan.gc.ca
Tue Apr 2 18:26:00 EST 2002

Greetings Leps-L:

Does anyone out there know of a commercial source for 12V DC timers that
would work with Bioquip's 12V battery operated UV light traps? We've had no
end of problems with the photosensors; the incomplete darkness and cool
temperatures of northern Alberta lead to many trap failures. We'd like to
convert to timers instead, but I can't find a commercial supplier. Can
anyone help? 

Looking forward to getting my UV traps deployed this field season. But we
got fresh snow over easter, and it was-20C (that's below zero F) overnight
here in Edmonton. But spring has gotta come soon!


Greg R. Pohl
Entomology Curator / Identification Officer
Canadian Forest Service
Northern Forestry Centre
5320 - 122 Street
Edmonton, AB CANADA T6H 3S5


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