Subject: RE: lepidopterists have anything to learn from ... birders ?
David Smith
idleweed at
Tue Apr 9 08:12:03 EDT 2002
This is a subject that I am interested in. I have heard that many
museums do not want and are not interested in small private collections. Who
takes them when a collector dies? What good is a collection if it is not
preserved for other people to study? I would think that small concentrated
local collections would be valuable to scientists. I am fortunate because I
live in Ohio and belong to the Ohio Lepidopterists and they will at least
save some parts of a collection. What do other people do with their small
collections that may have undescribed species or range extensions of
species? My understanding is that at least some (many) are thrown out or
allowed to deteriorate. Is this belief that I have not the truth, I hope so.
David Smith
"Mark Walker" <MWalker at> wrote in message
news:6AA1CFDDE237D51190160000F805064D27A3A3 at
> Todd asked:
> >
> > Can a non-scientist have a scientific collection?
> Todd also shared that he considers his own collection to have scientific
> value, which of course I agree with. I may also be inclined to suggest
> having a scientific collection makes a person a scientist anyway - even if
> they don't particularly want to be one.
> Mark Walker
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