Museum expeditions

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Wed Apr 10 07:12:04 EDT 2002

Just as a follow-up to my last posting.  Museums still mount expeditions to
previously unexplored or under-explored areas.
These often include several disciplines so that many taxa can be collected.
I think that in the last decade the increasing interest in "biodiversity"
per se, has enhanced this activity.  The participants are usually museum
curators, assistants, and sometimes outside volunteers.

A number of these expeditions have been chronicled in the popular
literature.  For example, ARCTIC SUMMER documents an expedition to Bylot
Island (NWT). A description of an LSU bird expedition to Peru is in A PARROT
WITHOUT A NAME.   I had the privilege of seeing that parrot this past
December at Tambopata.  Our description of that expedition will include a
chapter on dealing with Federal Express which lost ALL of our film.

Mike Gochfeld


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