REMINDER: pending amendments to LEPS-L Test

Suncoast rbaker1 at
Sat Apr 13 12:45:14 EDT 2002

Lawrence F. Gall <lawrence.gall at> wrote in message
news: at
> Hello LEPS-L subscribers,
> Some important information about the list.
> I want everyone to have advance notice of changes that will be made to
> on Monday 15 April.  At that time, the list will be amended so that (a)
> subscribers to LEPS-L may post, and (b) all subsequent requests to
> to LEPS-L will require a brief confirmatory reply to a piece of email.
> Everyone who is a subscriber as of Monday morning 15 April will
> automatically be re-subscribed, using their email address of record in
> the LEPS-L subscription list from Monday morning.
> Basically, LEPS-L for years has had a "wide open door" policy, and this
> is being amended now to an "open door" policy for any/all who confirm
> their subscription intent.  This is a common configuration for lists, and
> should greatly curtail the type of first-time-on-target spam recently
> aimed at leps-l at   It should not change the gateway behavior
> between LEPS-L and (note that someone
> can still post to LEPS-L through s.b.e.l. even if that person is not
> a LEPS-L subscriber per se; but recent spam has been directed at
> leps-l at rather than via the gateway).
> Some folks may experience problems after Monday 15 April, as follows.
> If your subscription address in LEPS-L after Monday does not
> exactly match the reply-to address that you are using in your email
> software, you will not be able to post to leps-l at, because
> of the more stringent validation being made against the list of
> (You will still be able to *receive* posts, because of the less
> manner in which incoming email to you typically gets validated.  For
> at many institutions, people have an address jane.doe at  But
> using or
> if often happily accepted as an equivalent by computers that route email
> the institution).
> In order to minimize complications, prior to next Monday, please determine
> whether your subscription address in LEPS-L -- which we'll call
> your "old" address for discussion -- in fact matches your "current"
> reply-to address as it appears in your email software:
> 1. Compose some email to listproc at, and in the body of that
>     email simply say REV LEPS-L -- you will be emailed the current list of
>     subscribers.  It's always best to send plain text email only to
>     listproc at, and turn off any automatic signature that you
>     have in your email software.  Here's what the request might look like:
>          from: lawrence.gall at
>          to: listproc at
>          subject: review
>          --------------------------------(body of email is below)-----
>          REV LEPS-L
> 2. Find yourself in the list of subscribers that is mailed back to you.
> 3. If your "current" reply-to address matches your "old" address in the
>     LEPS-L subscription list, you should be done.
> 4. However, if these mismatch, then consider unsubscribing the "old"
>     address in the LEPS-L subscription list, and immediately resubscribing
>     under your "current" address (HINT: set your reply-to address in your
>     email program to the "old" address, then do the unsubscribe; then set
>     your reply-to address back to the "current" address, and resubscribe)
> 5. Please seek some local computing help first if you're confused by
>     item 4. above.  However, I'm always available for anyone who
>     experiences unyielding problems.
> I'll repeat this email at the end of this week.
> Best regards,
> Larry
> ......................................................................
> : Lawrence F. Gall, Ph.D.            e-mail: lawrence.gall at  :
> : Head, Computer Systems Office &     voice: 1-203-432-9892          :
> : Curatorial Affiliate in Entomology    FAX: 1-203-432-9816          :
> : Peabody Museum of Natural History   :
> : P.O. Box 208118, Yale University                                   :
> : New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA                                       :
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
>    For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:


   For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit: 

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