Miami Blue FW from Dr. Coffy via naturepotpourri

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Fri Apr 26 16:24:17 EDT 2002

   Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 14:41:49 -0000
   From: joe coffy3 at
Subject: Re: Miami Blue Restoration project

--- In naturepotpourri at y..., "rjparcelles" <rjparcelles at y...> wrote:
> --- In naturepotpourri at y..., Anne Kilmer <viceroy at g...> wrote:
> My very dear fellow butterfliers, I have received this letter
> from Jeff Glassberg. As far as I know, the only Miami Blue
> project being carried on by the NABA Miami Blue

> Hi Anne,
> Welcome back to dry land and access to cyberspace. The Project is
> awaiting funds from grants and donations to print a large quantity
> the beautiful Miami Blue Butterfly ID Brochure and enable
> distribution of it throughout south Florida. Jose and the 5 Regional
> Directors will be the assembly points for this brochure.
> As always, as you well know, money talks. But so does grass-roots
> involvement and the contributions of time and money by many
> types of individuals led by people of science with many years of
> experience. We are going to apply for even more grants after the
> education phase. It is quite heartwarming to have so many NABA
> members call and write asking to participate after the magazine
> article which I considered demeaning to our cause and our motives as
> well as our backgrounds. I have taken steps at high Interior Dept
> levels to recognize our worldwide effort and we are the Miami Blue
> Butterfly Restoration Project.
> We will be most open to liaison with any small groups who insist on
> having there own efforts. Any activities contrary to our purpose or
> the well being of the butterfly will be met with legal remedies
> this is listed and government bodies are able to enforce the law and
> proper procedures. We are concerned about "token" programs.
> Neither TILS or C2M are involved in a self-promoting campaign nor
> its leaders.
> Bob Parcelles, JR.
> Endangered species Biologist
> Chairman and Project Manager
> Miami Blue Butterfly Restoration Project

Bob, Anne and all on this list:

I have been seething for a month since that self-serving, takeover of Bob's
interview for the magazine article in south Florida.  His "harsh" words for
Jeffrey Glassberg are mild compared with what is sweeping "Macadamia".

NABA, strongly endorsed by all of us, is actually a very small
organization. It is not even supported by all of the estimated 10,000 new
"butterfly watchers" every year. Many of its members are lepidopterists
(including the dreaded collector). Most chapter members are gardeners and
newcomers to leps and the science
surrounding them. In other words easily persuaded. Most tell me they buy in
for the excellent magazine not the editorial policies, which are
contradictory to say the least.

NABA has not a tenth of the potential that C2M and Nature Potpourri have
and the contacts, knowledge, organizational skills and perserverance RJP
has. I would not challenge him myself and would strongly urge Jeffrey
Glassberg and his not to do this. I certainly would not entertain a PhD
program under his auspices alone. That is for certain. Peer reocogniton is
important. I would not permit a student of mine to take a chance in being
tainted with controversial ideas.

MBBR Project has adequate science personell if they have the guts to stand
up to Glassberg and his localized supporters who I feel might be on their
own ego trips also. Needed  are studies on host speicifity. I understand
from a personal communication from a well know breeder of butterflies that
many are doing host plant propagation.

I practice non-consumptive leidoptery and urge the promotion of it. However
the "collector" issue is really a very exagerated problem.  The only abuse
is by those outlaws who would collect listed or low density populations or
the few, but very noticable, unscrupulous commercial colectors.
Entomologists and ecologists had a handle long before Dr. Glassberg hung up
his nets. I do however, plan to join Bob as time permits in a little
dragonfly he, a tryo oder, is undertaking.  We will be swing nets and it is
fun. I hunt pheasant and quail with now qualms. I have collected quite a
few birds for science. I will probably contiue to do so.

Until you read John Calhoun et al on the "Rise and fall..." see our FILES
Section. You really do not know what it is all about. It is not about doing
articles about collectors, amateur or otherwise.

Folks, make your donations to TILS and lets go!  Anne, I wish you would
forward this to your Task Force the darling "Miamo Blue Crew" as well as
Leps list. I am no longer on it.  I do not read e mail and my people do not
know how to edit something like Leps-List for me. Bob forwards me the funny
stuff. I wish the bird lists were a lttle more theoretical as the leps
people are, dark humor not withstanding.  I found it amusing but Ron's list
is much more substantive.

Bob, you have the support of myself and many, many distinquished friends. I
notice you have ben awfully quiet about the Project lately. I know from our
frequent conversations you are involved in many C2M projects and the growth
of it is important to myself as well. But believe me, at this stage, the
Miami Blue Butterfly is lost without you.  If the NABA Miami Blue and Atala
Chapters think they can do this thing alone they are in for a sad surprise.

Joe Coffy, III PhD.
A Butterfly Watcher


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