population explosion scare implodes

Ryan rvandermoor at shaw.ca
Sat Apr 27 22:16:29 EDT 2002

Before you go on, I apologize but this is not related to leps, but rather
humans. I read this article and found it rather interesting.... and maybe
relates to some threads of recent... I admit I don't have the time to read
all threads, so I'm not sure what was said, but I know people were talking
about human overpopulation.


Taken from page A16 of  The Province newspaper on Wednesday April the 24th
of 2002, the Opinion column by Susan Martinuk entitled

"Population-explosion scare implodes"

The doomsayers, who have been making dire predictions about the catastrophic
impact of world overpopulation, have now changed their minds. We don't have
too many people - we have too few.

hence, a new directive has been issued: "make more babies!" That was the
message at last weeks United Nations conference on aging. The talks focused
on the need to bring populations "back into balance" in an effort to stave
off the vast social, health and economic problems of aging populations.

It's an understatement to say that this is an abrupt shift in policy. For
years, the prevailing myth has been that the Earth has too many humans. A
1970's Smithsonian display communicated the message: "Population: The
Problem is Us." Until late last year, the UN continued to warn of a coming
demographic disaster.

Yet fertility rates have now fallen below replacement levels in 83
countries. When the higher mortality rates of developing countries are
factored in, fertility rates are at or below replacement rates levels in as
many as 97 countries.

Why is this so significant? Because the world's demographers all agree that
no country in history has been able to increase birth rates once they fall
below replacement levels.

After years of targeting "zero population growth", the western world has
finally come to realize that it has achieved just that.

Population rates are below replacement levels. A combination of low birth
rates and high life expectancies have created aging populations who need
health care and pensions, and a smaller work force to support them. In
Europe, an astounding 33 percent of the population will be collecting a
pension by 2025

In spite of this, it will be difficult to encourage people to have more
babies. We've created a culture where it is more convenient and financially
rewarding to not have children. Women are given greater significance in the
work force than in the home with children. Couples and families often need
two incomes to survive. In this ethos, having a "Quiver full" of children
seems more like an obstacle to bypass than a goal to achieve.

Increasing Western populations will take more than family-friendly
government policies. It will require a huge shift in what we, as a society
and as individuals, value most. Sadly, I'm not sure were prepared to do

In the Third World, fertility rates have also fallen dramatically and
mortality rates are skyrocketing because of the rampant spread of HIV/AIDS.
The existence of an entire continent (Africa) is at risk. Yet, oddly there
has been no cry for developing nations to "Make more babies"

Couples in these countries need children to grow/gather food, to take care
of the sick and the aged. Family members need each other to survive. Yet,
the response by the west, through the UN is to continue to impose abortion
on these nations.

Now that the population crisis has turned to a depopulation crisis, the
West's attitude toward developing countries will be exposed. Will we promote
the population increases that are desperately needed for family and social
stability? Or will we continue to impose strict abortion regulations that
merely function to keep the poor from breeding? Sadly, I think we all know
what the truth will be.


In a similarly related topic.... I encourage you to visit this website
http://www.catt-trax.bcit.ca/index.htm and enter the contest on
sustainability... What is your vision of a sustainable future?

Ryan Vandermoor
Vancouver, Canada
rvandermoor at shaw.ca


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